Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome baby Kennedi!

Our sweet precious girl, Kennedi Paisley Clinton, was born on Friday February 4th at 8:25am. She weighed 6 pounds and was 19.75 inches long. She has been nothing but pure joy and and has the sweetest disposition. She is very peaceful, a snuggler and has brought us much happiness these past 2 weeks.

Big brother Camden is adjusting well and after getting over a bad cold he is now very eager to hold her, kiss her, hold her hands and wants to see where she is in the house all the time. I am so thankful that he is eager to show her love and kindness and he is very gentle around her.

God has been so good to us and His mercy is never ending. We are deeply thankful and humbled by God's grace to bless us with 2 wonderful children. I feel so overwhelmed by His goodness at times. There are so many children born that have difficulties or health issues. Why God has chosen to bless us with healthy and typical developing children is beyond me.

Our prayer is that God will lead, guide and direct us to parent these children as He desires and that He will make clear to us His ways.

Healthy and safe delivery for mom and Kennedi. We are doing great 2 weeks later and look forward to seeing her grow!


Blogger A girl who sees said...

Yay!! She's so beautiful and we're so glad she's here and healthy :)

February 22, 2011 at 5:49 PM  

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