Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Water Baby Weekend

This weekend was filled with lots of yard work, home projects and swimming! We were at the pool every day and Camden LOVED it. He truly is a water baby.....he loves the bath and loves the pool even more. He has no fear, which is a good thing I guess, but it also means that he has no regard for the water and has no idea that he can fall in. He walks right up to it and takes a big step in!
He kept wanting to "get down" while I was holding him......I am not quite sure where he thought the might go if I let him go.

Daddy and Cam hanging out on the step to the big pool. The baby pool is closed because they have to fix the pump.....they assured us it would only take a few days but it was closed all weekend. I know he will love it once they get it fixed. He will be able to stand up in it and that should be fun to see.
He splashes like a crazy boy and loves to get water in his face.....and all over us!

He really likes his float and by the end of the weekend he would see us getting it out and knew that we were headed to the pool and would ge all excited. It is a little car and he really enjoys just hanging out in it.....we ended up taking the cabana off. It was impeding his ability to lean over and get his face wet!

This is really not a flattering picture of me, however I couldn't resist putting one up of the official start of summer. It isn't summer until there is corn on the cob, eating outside and grilling steak. Camden obviously was not nearly as excited about the corn......until I cut it off of the cob for him.

This weekend we also set up Camden's water table. This was a birthday gift from his Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Krista and cousins. We had to open it a little early, he would get so excited when he saw the box in the garage and it seemed like a good weekend to set it up. He loved it and it is the perfect height for him to explore . Thanks family in Colorado!

Here are some videos of us from the pool. He wanted to jump in to me and he loved tipping his floating car to the side to get his face wet.

Great weekend and it was a fun first Memorial Day for our family!


Blogger mom said...

We used water wings on Mattie last year - about Cam's weight, and they helped tremendously! Gave her a little freedom and us a little relief! It's hard to imagine he's not even one yet!

So glad you could be with us for our faux party! Maybe in a while we'll have the real thing! LY "faux" Gramma L

May 27, 2009 at 9:26 AM  

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