Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New York, New York!

Jon and I were able to get away for the weekend for a trip to New York City. We of course had a fantastic time and are so blessed to be able to stay in such nice accommodations! We really wanted to be able to just walk around and enjoy seeing some of the things that we had not seen before. It has been really cold when we have been there in the past so the summer weather this time was great! Jon had done some research before we left to see what we could do in the area that was free or didn't cost too much. He found out about Summer Stage at Central Park which was a free show in the middle of the park that night that was a concert combined with a dance company! It was so much fun and really cool to see, I was so happy that he found it!

The next morning we got up to go see the Today show and we got on TV!!!!! probably would not have seen us, but we recorded it and when we got home we saw ourselves waving in the crowd! So fun! We got to shake Lester Holt's hand and say hello to Amy Robach! I love the Today show and so it was really neat to see the "behind the scenes" of how it all works and what it looks like when they are filming.

We spent the day walking around taking it all in.....we walked through Central Park and stopped to watch a Softball game for awhile which was fun. They were true "New Yorkers" and really showed their true colors when it came to competition, it was quite entertaining!

We ate lunch at this great place that we found last time we were in New York. It is called Sarabeth's and it is sooooo good! Lots of famous people live right around there and they said that that they often get celebrities coming in there to eat. We did see one celebrity a few table away from us......we saw Jerry Springer! We didn't get a picture, by the time we realized it was him, he was paying his tab and was leaving! But still, really cool!

Time square at night was fun and a great place to people watch. Earlier in the day we also went to St. Patrick's, we didn't have our camera. But it was so beautiful.

It was a great weekend and we had so much fun! It was not necessarily relaxing due to the nature of the city but still it was fun to have time together to enjoy somewhere different. Haha.......I knew the weekend was going to be fun when we were driving into the city and were trying to find the hotel. Jon was driving and we had already decided to valet park the car because we didn't want to spend half the day driving around looking for something cheaper. We were a few blocks away from the hotel and Jon was getting a little anxious driving and he was going through an intersection where a cop was directing traffic. She waved her hand to tell him to go through and he ended up "blocking the box." Which is a BIG NO-NO! Haha.....she starts yelling at him through the window that "it doesn't take a genius to not block the box! Doesn't he see it? It is not that hard, just don't block the box! It doesn't take a genius to drive here....why can't he understand that? " Jon just nodded his head, LOL because he was afraid she was going to give him a ticket! Haha! So, after the NYPD thought that my husband was an idiot we made it to the hotel and we have never been happier to hand our car over to someone else! I was proud of him though for driving so well and it really was her fault, had she not waved her hand at us to go through, he would have waited and then we would not have blocked the box! I got more upset than he did and was ready to take on the cop......LOL although she REALLY would have won!


Blogger A girl who sees said...

Sounds like SO much fun!! We always seem to end up in NYC when it's really cold as well...somethig about how gorgeous it is at Christmas is just too appealing to miss! Glad you had such a great time :)

August 18, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

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