Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Timeshare Fun!

This past week we took a trip to my parents timeshare in Basye, VA. It is a timeshare they have had for years and I remember going there on family vacations when I was younger. It was so much fun for me and Camden to be able to share part of the week with them. Jon had to stay home and work, we missed him but managed to have some fun! Here are some snapshots of what we did.

Off he goes! We spent time at the pool and he was on the move as usual!

Sitting with G-pa at the pool "reading" magazines. He kind of looks as though he just opened his 401K statement....."Oh No!"

Making Daddy proud! He LOVED running around the driving range after it had closed. Wide open area, things to swing around in the air and no one to stop him.......he was in heaven!

My future golf pro- left handed at that!

On Wednesday we went to a Safari Zoo park. It was so much fun but a lot scarier than I thought it would be. We saw so many animals that are not at normal zoos. They come right up to your car to be fed from the buckets of feed that you buy at the gate. I thought, how bad could it be?!?!?!?!?! BAD!!!!! I was so scared, they were really aggressive and would stick their whole head inside the car window to get at the bucket. I left my window rolled up most of the time after that first llama. They had camels, zebra, llamas, elk, and lots of other really cool animals. I would go again now that I know what to expect.

These things were bigger than the car.

I liked this picture because you can see my dad feeding the moose-thing through his window and then if you look through the sunroof of the car you can see the animal's antlers!

Camden wasn't too sure what to think about the whole thing. I think we scared him at the start when we all screamed and laughed really loud when we fed the first animal and I think I let on that I was scared silly! He spent most of his time in the very back seat just looking out the back window.

The petting zoo at the end was fun, we got out and walked around and he really liked that part.

These turtles were huge....they get up to 500 pounds!

This was the other fun event of the week, he LOVED the big jet bathtub. We don't have one of those here at home :( and he loved being in it, I think he thought it was a pool!

We had so much fun and I really enjoyed getting to spend that time with Camden and my parents. We also went to a fantastic winery that I would visit again. Such a beautiful state and it was a perfect place to relax.


Blogger Melissa said...

Just have to say I totally feel your pain on the safari park thing! We did that two weeks ago and had a similar experience. I definitely laughed harder than I have in a very long time!

August 4, 2009 at 6:02 PM  

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