Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Major Milestone.....Camden goes to Nursery!

What a big day for Camden! ( and mommy!) For the past few weeks, Camden has not been sleeping through the church service as he once had. Now that he is getting older he sleeps only through worship and then is awake for all of the parts where he needs to be quiet! So Jon and I have taken turns standing in the back and walking which really kills our backs and we don't think Camden enjoys it much either. So today, of course he woke up again like he usually does at the end of worship and Jon decides that he is going to put him in nursery for the first time. I of course said "No, he is too little and I don't think he will do well." Jon forged on and said he was going to sign him up. So I of course followed behind him as he left and decided we would try it.

We signed him up at the table and got our family number which is what they use to page you during the service if your child is not doing well. We walked him back and dropped him off. We returned to the service as the message was starting and the entire time my eyes were glued to the number pager. I was just waiting for our number to come and I would go rushing back to my baby's rescue! To my surprise our number never came up- others did however and at one point there was just a number 1 that appeared and Jon whispers to me "maybe the number 3 and 4 aren't working!" I laughed since our number is 341.

Haha- it was great though. We got to enjoy the message and Camden got to sleep and play back in nursery! It was a great moment for us knowing that we can release him to the care of others which is so good for him to experience. I, as Camden's Mommy just found it hard to believe that I actually am a mom and I have a baby now that can go back to nursery! What a great day!


Blogger A girl who sees said...

Wow!!!! Crazy! He's already getting big. Sweet boy.

September 21, 2008 at 7:45 PM  

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