Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Potty Party!

I have to post about this simply because I am so proud of my Camden. He may not be too happy with me in several years once he reads this post but I will take that gamble!

Yesterday we went to Target to get a few things and on a whim I decided to buy him a little potty. I asked him which one he wanted and he chose a little froggy potty. He clearly was excited about it because he wanted to hold the potty throughout the rest of our shopping. When we got home he seemed anxious to try it out, so we did! He immediately tried to take off his shorts and diaper and sat down on the potty and PRESTO, he peed on the potty! I of course went crazy with cheering, jumping up and down, singing, clapping, dancing and gave him a huge high five! I also told him that he could have an M&M treat out of the M&M motorcycle dispenser that we have and he LOVED it! This began the full on cycle of pee on potty, cheer, treat, dump potty, flush big potty and repeat. We were home about 2 hours and he had gone countless times and even went #2! To say the least I was/am shocked. During that time before he went down for a nap, I was exhausted and hadn't even had time to take a drink or get lunch....he was so into it! He told me every time that he had to go and would run to his little potty. There was no peeing on furniture or the floor even though he was only running around in a t-shirt and nothing on the bottom. (Literally!)

This morning we started the process all over again and it has been a great day! We went out this morning which I know is a potty training no-no but I wanted to go get him some big boy underpants. I took the potty with us in the car to get the underwear. I put a pull up on him when we went out. We were getting ready to go into the store and he told me he had to go....sure enough we quickly dropped the pants and pull up and he sat right there in the backseat and peed on his froggy! He did it twice while we were out and kept a dry pull up the entire morning. When we got home he put on a new pair of underpants and he went several more times on the potty before his nap!

I know that this may not be nearly as exciting to everyone who is reading this, but this post was more for me than for anyone else. I want to be able to look back on this years from now and re-live how proud I am of my baby. He is so smart and I am so happy that he is excited about this part of growing up! I have always heard that boys are slower at this milestone. But maybe my Cam is the exception at not even 2 yet! So at the Clinton house we are in the midst of a potty party and loving it!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Boyds Bear Country

Yesterday we took a little trip to Boyds Bear Country in Gettysburg, PA. My mom said that she can remember when they first started in an old house near us here in Frederick and now they have really turned into a major factory store with 4 levels and bear displays for every occasion! Camden had such a great time and we practically had the entire place to ourselves, which was so great! We could let him walk and roam around without and trouble at all.

Every chair or bench that we would pass he would want to sit on it and have me take his picture.

There are 3 levels of bears and various other gift items including a HUGE Longeberger (sp?) basket section, garden gifts and a Sesame Street display.....then the bottom floor was their restaurant and "bearkery."

He wanted to sit in front of that display and have his snack! Haha, so cute!

Slightly, overwhelmed by the Bear Nursery. He kept saying, "Baby? Baby?"

One of his favorite areas was the Sesame Street characters. I think we could have left him there the whole morning and come back to get him and he still would have been there!

They have puppies too! He really liked this section and wanted to "walk" all of the dogs and give them treats. He also kept getting dog toys off the shelves and was trying to play fetch with the stuffed puppies.

At the end of our time there I let him hold the camera and he took TONS of pictures on his own. He held the camera and actually aimed (as best he could) and pushed the button. Here was a picture he took of a reindeer in the Christmas section....not bad, right?

Outside, before we left he wanted to take a picture of the cow and give it a kiss!

So much fun! Not sure what it would be like to be there when it would be really busy, I loved him being able to walk around without anyone running him over or being crowded out by tons of people. The best part was that it was free! It was kind of like a museum too but very kid friendly because they can touch and hold everything. We will definitely be taking another trip back soon.

Many Happenings Around Here!

We have been up to lots of fun things around here and I have been so bad about updating the blog. So, here we go trying to catch up!

His new favorite "hiding" place these days. Corners and inside of closets and cabinets. He also is liking cameras and is becoming more aware of people taking pictures. He likes for me to take his picture and then he wants to look at it on the screen. The other day he was saying parts of his body and wanted me to take a picture! I thought his feet were extra cute!

Jon built a sandbox out of our garden area from last year and while he was in the process Camden made his drumset! That boy will make drums out of anything and everything.

Helping Daddy build the sandbox.

Celebrating Landon's 3rd birthday at The Little Gym. Camden loves his buddies Caden and Landon.

Helping Daddy mow the lawn!

Playing in the completed sandbox!

Hook 'em Horns!!!!

Putting on a concert for the neighbors tonight on the electrical box! Haha......he played a great show with all of his Wiggles favorites!

Crazy that it is May and he had to wear his vest and was so windy! He loves to play his guitar and jam to his Wiggles tunes and no amount of wind will stop him!