Another Day in Paradise

Paradise......maybe. I guess it is all based on perception! I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband and an incredible baby boy who makes my life complete. We live a simple yet cherished life and enjoy spending time together as a family. As long as we are all together it really is.......just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What is this stuff?!?!?!?!

Today Camden started brown rice cereal! Haha- it is always great to see your child try things that they have never done before! He was so excited to sit in his big boy highchair and get his bib on and looked at me as though that in and of itself was the big event! Little did he know, there was more to come! I started off with the cereal at lunch in hopes of being able to give it to him at dinner in the future so that he sleeps better at night. I didn't want to start it at night though in case it gave him tummy trouble, which of course with him would be no surprise. I decided to use organic brown rice cereal because I heard it is easier on the tummy and contains less fillers.

He did great being that he has never had anything like this in his mouth! I tried to put his passi in after each bite so that he would get the idea to swallow but it didn't seem to matter too much as clearly it all drooled and leaked out of his mouth! It was so much fun to see yet another milestone go on the calender and know that is it just one of many we will get to experience with our precious baby boy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Major Milestone.....Camden goes to Nursery!

What a big day for Camden! ( and mommy!) For the past few weeks, Camden has not been sleeping through the church service as he once had. Now that he is getting older he sleeps only through worship and then is awake for all of the parts where he needs to be quiet! So Jon and I have taken turns standing in the back and walking which really kills our backs and we don't think Camden enjoys it much either. So today, of course he woke up again like he usually does at the end of worship and Jon decides that he is going to put him in nursery for the first time. I of course said "No, he is too little and I don't think he will do well." Jon forged on and said he was going to sign him up. So I of course followed behind him as he left and decided we would try it.

We signed him up at the table and got our family number which is what they use to page you during the service if your child is not doing well. We walked him back and dropped him off. We returned to the service as the message was starting and the entire time my eyes were glued to the number pager. I was just waiting for our number to come and I would go rushing back to my baby's rescue! To my surprise our number never came up- others did however and at one point there was just a number 1 that appeared and Jon whispers to me "maybe the number 3 and 4 aren't working!" I laughed since our number is 341.

Haha- it was great though. We got to enjoy the message and Camden got to sleep and play back in nursery! It was a great moment for us knowing that we can release him to the care of others which is so good for him to experience. I, as Camden's Mommy just found it hard to believe that I actually am a mom and I have a baby now that can go back to nursery! What a great day!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


How I would love to say that today I spent the day at the spa receiving a relaxing massage. That was not the case. It was Camden in fact that experienced his first infant massage today. He lately within the past 4 weeks has been experiencing an extreme amount of discomfort and gastric issues. We are not sure what the problem is even though he has always been a gassy baby, he has seemed to get worse.

I have heard that infant massage can have many benefits and has really proven helpful for digestive issues. So I started looking online and found this wonderful massage therapist who is certified in infant massage. I made an appointment for Camden and my mom and I went this afternoon with him. The whole idea is that the therapist will teach my mom and I how to do these techniques so that we can massage Camden daily and we should start to see some results shortly. My mom went with me so that I have someone there who can help me to remember the techniques and then I can come home and teach Jon so that he can also do this with Camden. I am willing try anything at this point just to see my baby be comfortable and not in so much pain all the time.

The session went really well and we were given so many helpful techniques and tips to help with his tummy problems. She focused on that today since that is the issue that I am complaining about. She will also teach us massage for how to calm him, ease discomfort or fussiness, help him sleep longer and sounder and reduce his sometimes colicky mood.

After the massage he had one of the best nights he has had in awhile! I am really excited to start this with him and it is also a great way to bond with him! I am very optimistic at this point and will keep everyone updated on Camden's massage sessions with Leslie and Mommy!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


This evening was spent at the Great Frederick Fair with my parents! It was Camden's first "agriculture" experience which he happened to sleep through most of it! I love the fair and always think it is a great place to hang out as a family and get to "take in the sights" as I say! I am sure that your fairs wherever you may live are quite similar as they tend to bring out the "finest" of the community! I told Jon that I could literally sit at the fair all week and do nothing but people watch Frederick's Finest! Haha- it sure is a place to see all kinds!

We loved it and had a great time breaking our diets and enjoying roast beef sandwiches, fries, ice cream and of course funnel cakes! Clearly I enjoyed my funnel cake so much that I decided to share it with Camden's hair! Haha- there was no avoiding his hair as I tried my best to dodge his head while powdered sugar blew all of his golden locks! He didn't seem to care......!

We saw plenty of pigs, cows and goats (and smelled them too) and we had fun looking at all of the tractors that we knew next year Camden would be begging to have a turn to sit on!

Every year the fair never seems to change but yet the town still seems to anticipate it and get excited each time it rolls around. Trace Atkins was playing tonight and it was a sold out crowd, along with Dirks Bently later on in the week.

We had a good time as a family and we are so blessed to have Camden to share these family traditions with even at a young age! And so we will join the town in waiting for the fair to make it's return next year, where it will bring a whole new experience for us as Camden is old enough to experience it for himself!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daddy's Little man!!!!!!

I wanted to post some new pictures of Camden. People must think we are obsessed with him for posting all these pictures but the truth is all of my family is located in Texas and Denver. So this is a great way to keep them involved in his life and see the everyday changes. It is so amazing how fast they really grow. I am hoping to be working from home in the next week or so which will be a great blessing for me and my family. Liz has been amazing in caring for Camden thus far especially at night but everyone could use an extra hand.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My husband is a GENIUS!

It is now 11:30pm and for the past hour and a half Jon and I have been trying to figure out how to add music to our blog! I doesn't seem like it should be that hard but it was! We tried everything possible and Jon finally figured it out! He is such a GENIUS!!! What would I do without him? I kept throwing in my two cents, which of course nothing I had him try worked, it only caused error messages to pop up. I am not even sure what he did or how he got it on there, but he did and that is all that matters!

So for all of you out there who are going to enjoy our musical selections as you read our blog from now on can thank Jon. If it was up to me, I would have given up about an hour and 29 minutes ago and said forget it, you all can read our blog without music! But thanks to my wonderful, persevering and smart husband.......we have success!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Camden's Dedication

Today we had the wonderful privilege of dedicating Camden. My dad performed the service and it was such a meaningful and beautiful ceremony. We were able to share it with the congregation of New Day Ministries and our family and friends. We missed Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Krista and also Aunt Melissa and Mam-maw and Pa-paw. We wish you all could have been there and we were thinking of you and missing you greatly for this wonderful day. Jon and I were so proud of him during the service. He was great and such a wonderful little man! Not to mention that he looked ADORABLE in his outfit........what a stud muffin!

The day was really so great. Despite the storms we had yesterday, the weather for today was sunny and a perfect 80 degrees. After the service we extended an open invitation for everyone who attended the service to our house for a lunch/reception. We had a great turn out and had just enough food. Betty Baker made the cake which turned out so amazing not only to look at but to eat too! Thanks Betty!!!!!

We are so blessed to have Camden in our family and we were so excited for him today and that we were able to dedicate him to God and that Jon and I as his parents know that we have help and don't have to parent Camden alone. Knowing that we have a higher wisdom than our own is very reassuring!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Playing catch up

I am now playing catch up with some photos and updates. Camden turns 12 weeks tomorrow and I have no idea where the time went. He is bigger by the minute and I discover something new about him daily. He smiles freely and is rolling over from his back to his tummy! I was so proud and thrilled he is making his milestones! I look forward to all of the stages ahead and try to savor the moments I have now with him. Which is one of the reasons I gave my resignation last Monday and will be home with him most of the time. I made it a grand total of being back 2 weeks before quitting! I just can't stand being away from him for long days and wasted hours, so now I will be teaching dance a few hours a week and providing respite care for a little girl for a few hours each week. All of of my mornings and most of my afternoons will be filled with Camden and when I can't be with him his "Nene" (my mom) will be watching him!

Okay- so we will try this!

I decided to join everyone else in the world and start a blog. I have always thought it was a cool idea but never imagined that I could get into it. However, my mind changed after having Camden and I decided that any chance I can get to talk about my baby and show him off I will take! we go, I will do my best to keep it updated and stay involved!